e Learning

Enable Minimize and Maximize Buttons in Fedora Gnome 3 Desktop

In this article I am going to show you how to enable Minimize and Maximize Buttons in Fedora Gnome 3 Desktop windows.

By default fedora gnome 3 desktop does not have the Minimize and the Maximize Buttons in the application windows. To enable Minimize and Maximize Buttons first we need to install the gnome-tweak-tool.

We can install gnome-tweak-tool on Fedora Workstation using dnf install command.

sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

After the installation is finished open the tweak tool From the Fedora activities Menu.

Fedora gnome-tweak-tool

From the tweak tool Go to Windows Section, Under the “Titlebar Buttons” Turn on the Minimize and Maximize Buttons.

Enable Minimize and Maximize Buttons in Fedora Gnome 3 Desktop

So now you have Minimize and Maximize Buttons enabled in your Fedora Gnome 3 Desktop.