e Learning

How to Extract 7zip files in CentOS 7

In this tutorial we are going to learn how extract 7zip file in CentOS 7.

In Order to extract 7zip files, we need to install p7zip package on CentOS 7. The p7zip package provides the 7za command which we are going to use to unzip 7zip files.

Install p7zip on CentOS 7

First install the epel repository with yum command.

sudo yum install epel-release

Then install the p7zip package with yum command.

sudo yum install p7zip

Install 7zip on CentOS 7

With p7zip package, now we can extract 7z files on CentOS 7.

Extract 7z files using 7za Command

Now we can Use 7za command to extract .7z files on the command line. To extract files we use the “x” argument.

7za x file.7z

Extract to a Different Folder

Use -o option of the 7za command To extract 7zip file to a different directory.

7za x -o/tmp file.7z

As per the above example, file.7z archive will extract to the /tmp directory.

How to Extract 7zip files in CentOS 7

Extract 7zip files in CentOS Desktop

With p7zip package installed, it is also possible to unzip .7z files in the CentOS Desktop using the GUI.

Extract 7zip files in CentOS Desktop

Right click on the .7z archive and click “Extract Here” to unzip the archive file.

So that is how we can 7zip file in CentOS 7 using p7zip package.