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How to Login as root superuser Without root Password in CentOS 7

So is it possible to login to root account on CentOS 7 without root password? Yes, it is possible if you have a regular user account with sudo superuser privileges.

In order to get the sudo superuser privileges in CentOS 7, You should be a member of the wheel group. To check that login to your user account and type groups command in the terminal.


This will output a list of Linux groups that you are a member of. In the output you should see the name wheel as below image shows.

Login as root superuser Without root Password in CentOS 7

If you are a member of the wheel Linux group, then you can get root permission using sudo command with -i option.

sudo -i

You will be prompted to enter the password. Type your own user password, No need to have the root password.

So that is How to get superuser privileges without root password in CentOS 7. Click Here to view more CentOS 7 Tutorials.