e Learning

How to Install Apache on CentOS 7

In this Tutorial I will guide you through the installation of Apache HTTPD Server on Newly released Centos7 Operating System. In Addition we will also configure the CentOS firewall to allow HTTP request. Then we will do the PHP,  MySQL and phpMyAdmin Installation too. At the end of this tutorial you will learn how to setup Complete CentOS 7 LAMP Stack.

Step One

Install Apache Server

Installing Apache on CentOS 7 is very easy with yum Command

yum install httpd

Now Start the Apache httpd server using systemctl Command

systemctl start httpd

Also set Apache Server to start on Server Startup with systemctl command

systemctl enable httpd

In CentOS 6.5 and Previous Versions we used chkconfig command to configure a service to start at startup.

Step Two

Add Firewall Rules

Now Add Following Firewall rules to allow http request

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=http

firewall-cmd –reload

Now the Apache Installation is finished, you can type your server IP address on the web browser and you should get the CentOS Apache default Web Page.

Apache Web Server Default Page

Now You Have Learned How to Install Apache On CentOS 7. Lets Continue the Tutorial on PHP and MariaDB Server Configurations.

Step Three

Install PHP

PHP is the most popular dynamic web scripting language today and it has designed to run with Apache web server. Now lets install the PHP.

yum install php

Step Four

Install MariaDB (Mysql) Database Server

MariaDB is a Drop in replacement for MySQL, With the Release of the CentOS 7 MariaDB has been the default RDBMS(Relational Database Management System). Simply it is same as MySQL Database and works the same way MySQL do.

Install MariaDB with yum Command

yum install mariadb

systemctl start mariadb

systemctl enable mariadb

Now run the mysql_secure_installation command to setup root password and to secure your database server


After entering the command you will be asked to setup password to mysql root user.

Step Five

Install phpMyAdmin

Last but not least, we will also Install the phpMyAdmin on Our CentOS 7 server. phpMyAdmin Provides the graphical user interface to manage MariaDB and MySQL databases.

First, We need to Enable epel repository, Because phpMyAdmin Does not Comes with the default CentOS Software Repository.

yum install epel-release

yum install phpmyadmin

Then we need to fixed some permission issue, Open phpMyAdmin Configuration File in a Text Editor

vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf

Add Following Line just after the “<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>” tag

Require all granted

Require all granted

Now restart the apache server

systemctl restart httpd

Now you can access the phpMyAdmin from the web browser by typing IPaddress/phpMyAdmin.

Open phpMyAdmin

After All This step Now You have a Complete Web Server With Lamp Stack On you CentOS Computer. See you again with more Web Hosting Tutorials.