How to add Python shell to the Atom Text Editor
If you are using the Atom text editor as you python IDE, then you should add the script and Terminal-plus packages to the atom editor. With the script package you can run python programs from the atom text editor and Terminal-plus open the Linux/Unix shell in the atom editor.
To run python scripts in the Atom text editor, we need to Install the script package.
- Go to Edit > Preferences and click on Install (File > Settings in Windows).
- Then, next to the search box, click on the Packages and search for the “script”.
- Once you search script, script package should appear in the search list. From there you can install the script package.
To run python script, Go to Packages > Script > and click Run Script
Add Python Shell to Atom Text Editor
Currently there is no package that open python shell directly atom text editor, But we can use the Terminal-plus package, which open Linux/Unix Terminal(CMD in Windows) in the Atom editor. From the Terminal we can go to the python shell.
Windows user needs to install git on windows before installing terminal-plus package.
To install terminal-plus package, go to Atom package installer and search “terminal-plus” and click install.
To open the terminal go to Packages > Terminal-Plus and click New Terminal. From the terminal you can login to the python shell using python command.
Both Terminal-plus and script packages going to be very useful for you when you use Atom text editor to Code python scripts.