e Learning

How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Ubuntu 14.04 Server

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install VirtualBox guest additions on Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual machine. Following method works for both Ubuntu server and desktop distributions.

To install VirtualBox guest additions on Ubuntu 14.04, First power on the Virtual machine. Then , from the virtual machines menu under the device sub menu, click on Insert Guest Additions CD Image.

Insert Guest Additions CD Image ubuntu

Then open the terminal and Mount the Ubuntu VirtualBox Guest Additions CD Image to /mnt directory using the mount command.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

Then move to the mount point and run the VirtualBoxLinux.run file

cd /mnt


Install ubuntu virtualbox guest additions

After the installation is finished, restart the system using the reboot command to enable Guest Additions.


Ubuntu VirtualBox guest additions will increase the performance of your virtual machine and also the screen resolution of the Ubuntu desktop should be corrected.