e Learning

Shortcut Key To Open Incognito Window in Chrome

The keyboard shortcut to open a new incognito window (Private window) in Google Chrome is Ctrl+Shift+N.

shortcut key to open incognito window in chrome

To close an incognito window, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4.

Create Incognito Mode Shortcut on Desktop

Do the following steps to create an Incognito Mode shortcut on your Windows Desktop.

Open a File Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application. Right-click the chrome.exe and click Send to Desktop.

Send google chrome shortcut to desktop

A Google Chrome shortcut will appear on your Desktop. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.

google chrome shortcut properties

Make sure you are in the Shortcut tab.

Change the value of the Target text box to "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -incognito and Click Ok.

Create Incognito Mode Shortcut on Desktop

Now when you double click the desktop shortcut, a new incognito window will be open.

We can change the icon of the shortcut to the incognito icon.

Right-click the shortcut, go to Properties, and click the change icon button.

change the icon of the shortcut to the incognito icon

Select the incognito icon and click Ok.

google chrome incognito icon